Felix the Procrastinator

Felix was appointed by Emperor Claudius as a Roman governor over Judea. He was given the title of “most excellent” and Tacitus described him as a cruel, merciless governor. Felix was most recognized as a procrastinator. The Apostle Paul’s aggressive teachings bothered Felix and caused him to tremble because of this, Felix repeatedly put off an interview with Paul thinking that another time may be more convenient. The time never came.
* Acts 23:24-26
* Acts 24:2-27
* Acts 25:14.
Felix reminds me of my son who came to me one day and said, “I think I am just going to wait to be a Christian until I am old and there is no more fun stuff to do.” I started talking to him about the “end times”. In an effort to make him realize that waiting to live his life for Jesus Christ was not a good idea. Scientists and religious scholars spend much time evaluating past and current events, trying to correlate them with events in the Holy Bible so that they can determine when the Lord will make His second entrance for Judgment day. Though the Bible clearly tells us not to concern ourselves with when the Lord will come but to be watchful of things to come.
* Matthew 24:42
We should be more concerned with what will happen to our soul when He gets here and prepare for it now. Many “would be” Christians put off being saved for one reason or another.
I know a young man who has a family and is out of work. He is out of work because he is stubborn and he procrastinates. As a manager there were things that needed to be done but he put them off because he was too busy. As a husband there were things that were expected of him but the sense of responsibility overwhelmed him and he put them off. As a father there are demanding responsibilities that he should take care of but he could not take the stress and put them off. Rather than face reality head on he ran from it seeking solace in marijuana, alcohol and other drugs. This course of action put him further and further behind until just the thought of doing anything was too much for him.
When we procrastinate or put off things that need to be done for whatever reasons, such as, work, responsibilities, bills, bible studies and even prayer, things start to go wrong. When things start to go wrong and a person has a habit of procrastinating, the problems multiply and become overwhelming. Nobody can truly control their own lives but we can control what goes on in our minds, hearts and life by controlling what input we allow.
Take control of what is happening in your life. Stop waiting for a convenient time. Do not wait until it is too late, to take the steps necessary to repair your life.
The Lord should come first. If you have lost track of reality and do not know where to start:
* Start Over
* Get saved
* Get Baptized
* Love (Love God, Love Other’s)
* Start with Prayer and Bible studies
* Ask the Lord for direction and guidance
* Listen for His answer
* Be obedient to His laws and teachings
* Tell others
When you turn your life over to the Lord and give Him control and things will run a lot smoother. Like the old saying my Grandmother used to say goes, “Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today.”
Are you saved? If God came tomorrow? Would you be ready? What would you say? “Uh wait a minute God I can’t comprehend or I do not have time for you? Will you procrastinate, stalling for time? Will you force Him to get your attention?
Did you know that you can only ignore the Lord for a time. He makes His presence known to His sheep. He has a gift, a mission and a destiny for His sheep (followers).
“My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me”
John 10:27
* Acts 23:24-26
* Acts 24:2-27
* Acts 25:14.
Felix reminds me of my son who came to me one day and said, “I think I am just going to wait to be a Christian until I am old and there is no more fun stuff to do.” I started talking to him about the “end times”. In an effort to make him realize that waiting to live his life for Jesus Christ was not a good idea. Scientists and religious scholars spend much time evaluating past and current events, trying to correlate them with events in the Holy Bible so that they can determine when the Lord will make His second entrance for Judgment day. Though the Bible clearly tells us not to concern ourselves with when the Lord will come but to be watchful of things to come.
* Matthew 24:42
We should be more concerned with what will happen to our soul when He gets here and prepare for it now. Many “would be” Christians put off being saved for one reason or another.
I know a young man who has a family and is out of work. He is out of work because he is stubborn and he procrastinates. As a manager there were things that needed to be done but he put them off because he was too busy. As a husband there were things that were expected of him but the sense of responsibility overwhelmed him and he put them off. As a father there are demanding responsibilities that he should take care of but he could not take the stress and put them off. Rather than face reality head on he ran from it seeking solace in marijuana, alcohol and other drugs. This course of action put him further and further behind until just the thought of doing anything was too much for him.
When we procrastinate or put off things that need to be done for whatever reasons, such as, work, responsibilities, bills, bible studies and even prayer, things start to go wrong. When things start to go wrong and a person has a habit of procrastinating, the problems multiply and become overwhelming. Nobody can truly control their own lives but we can control what goes on in our minds, hearts and life by controlling what input we allow.
Take control of what is happening in your life. Stop waiting for a convenient time. Do not wait until it is too late, to take the steps necessary to repair your life.
The Lord should come first. If you have lost track of reality and do not know where to start:
* Start Over
* Get saved
* Get Baptized
* Love (Love God, Love Other’s)
* Start with Prayer and Bible studies
* Ask the Lord for direction and guidance
* Listen for His answer
* Be obedient to His laws and teachings
* Tell others
When you turn your life over to the Lord and give Him control and things will run a lot smoother. Like the old saying my Grandmother used to say goes, “Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today.”
Are you saved? If God came tomorrow? Would you be ready? What would you say? “Uh wait a minute God I can’t comprehend or I do not have time for you? Will you procrastinate, stalling for time? Will you force Him to get your attention?
Did you know that you can only ignore the Lord for a time. He makes His presence known to His sheep. He has a gift, a mission and a destiny for His sheep (followers).
“My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me”
John 10:27
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