Inspiration & Testimonies For Christ
Testimonies about the Lord which will inspire you, touch your heart and renew your faith. Here is a list of inspiring, powerful testimonies from devout believers in Christ plus this week's featured video testimony.
Featured Video: The Power of God-Healing Testimony-Troy Black
"God's Power is unlimited, and He wants us to experience His power at work in our lives. Don't go another day living under the weight of your need. Seek God. Call on His Son Jesus Christ today. He has the power to heal you, and He has the power to change your life" (Troy Black).
Memory Verse
"Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am also." Matthew 18:20
The Power of God - Healing Testimony (Inspirational Christian Videos) Troy Black. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 20 March 2018, from
The Power of God - Healing Testimony (Inspirational Christian Videos) Troy Black. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 20 March 2018, from